
台北市, Taiwan
-美國芝加哥伊利諾大學齒顎矯正專科、口腔科學碩士(Univ. of Illinois at Chicago) -伊利諾州醫學中心顱顏中心臨床研究員(Craniofacial Center, Univ. of Illinois Medical Center) -芝加哥伊利諾大學(UIC)Allen Anderson Faculty Practice 齒顎矯正專科醫師 -三軍總醫院齒顎矯正專科醫師 -教育部 部訂講師 講字第089021號 -國防大學國防醫學院牙醫學系兼任講師 -中華民國齒顎矯正學會專科醫師/衛生署署定專科醫師 矯專醫字第000401號 -台灣口腔矯正醫學會第六屆監事及法制委員 -美國齒顎矯正學會會員(American Association of Orthodontists) -世界矯正醫師聯盟Fellow (World Federation of Orthodontists) -美國唇顎裂顱顏學會會員(American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association)




孩子的咬合問題不僅影響美觀、健康,更影響同儕對其看法,而會影響自尊心。我的目標是讓您的寶貝受到當代最頂尖的矯正藝術治療(the most state-of-the art),而非排列好齒列而已。更在伴隨成長時,時時予以鼓勵,讓他們不只笑容美,而心更美!

葉金良醫師的青少年矯正戽斗&反咬治療 Treated by Dr. Chin-Liang Yeh



    Every time when the parents know their children having the cross bite problem, I believe that they feel very annoyed to see this situation every day but don't know when and how to correct it. The following adorable girl is actually my second patient from her family after her older sister had a wonderful result.

    In fact, the orthodontists is almost impossible to against the nature, which means to resist the growth of the bones and to know what will the face look like in the future. However, early and right time's correction of cross bite can avoid the future orthognathic surgery.

    Our children of this era know more esthetic concept than we did before. They are so easily influenced by their colleagues and classmates or friends.  So, her orthodontic treatment plan includes create beautiful smile cures, moving the lower anterior teeth backward to avoid extraction. Moving the both dentition to the best lip-nose position to maintain her young and beautiful smile. Also, do my best to create another lovely young girl with bright smile and personality.